One of the greatest joys I have in my life is being a part
of the worship team at Christ Community.
This is what worship means to me:
1: singing on a
Sunday morning is not some way to satisfy an unfulfilled dream… singing worship
– no matter where I am – connects me to the Lord in a way that takes the focus
off of me and on to where it should be: His Lordship and Sovereignty…. Thus dispelling
all the enemy’s attacks on my fragile mind.
2: Oswald Chambers
said, “Worship is giving God the best that He can given to you.”
Worship is my modern-day sacrifice.
3: before I had Heath
and my boys, I felt like there were times that I didn’t have much to worship
about… and yet, the fact that Jesus died for my sins… well, that often took me
to my knees.
4: it’s ah-mazing to
be up there on the stage, take my ear buds out and hear 700 people blowing my
face off singing to the Lord… it’s an
incredible feeling to be in that seat during the worship time…. Helps me know
that I am not alone in my walk with the Lord or my struggles.
5: for all the
wonderful blessings in my life
6: for all the “even
through the valley of the shadow of death, You are with me” times of my life
Hallelujah… I’ll sing a thousand “hallelujahs” and I’ll sing
a hundred “amens” and I could never get close to the 10,000 reasons to praise
the Lord for.
7: His mercies are
new every morning.
8: His grace is sufficient.
9: His provision is
10: His love knows no
11: He is.... (take a minute to
fill in the blank… praying that you find Him as we continue to lift up His