My hubby and I waited for 7 years before we had our first child. We waited for a variety of reasons. And we had a serious challenge before having our first, but I am so thankful that the Lord allowed me to have children.
Being a parent is hard, but here's 5 reasons why I love being a mom-
Seriously, the holidays were lame before I had kids...
It's really weird to see some idiosyncrasy come out in one of my kids... but it's nice to know that I can't help it either.
now, let me explain. Kids complicate life in a number of ways, but by complicating life, they make me stop and prioritize what's important... so I have to get simple.
becoming a mommy has helped me understand God's unconditional love for me.... what grace really is.
this is probably the best revelation I've had lately: I don't need apologetics to share Christ (and look, I misspelled "apologetics" on my picture there). Apologetics is the defending of our Christian faith. There are books and books written on the subject. It's complicated. And scares me. But with children, all I have to do is very simply share: Jesus loves you. I came about this revelation when my 2 year old had an inconsolable moment one Sunday morning and I sat with him in his classroom for the service. The teacher, a godly woman I know only as Mrs. Dunlap and/or Kaci's mom, told the children several times throughout the service: "Jesus loves you... Jesus love you..." over and over again-- looking into each one's face-- with her hand on their little shoulder..."Jesus loves you".
It was a moment that I needed to hear that as well and I let it wash over me. Many times since, I've panicked over my husband's children's ministry and my postpartum behavior- worried about getting sound theology into my children and the ministry while just not being able to pull it all together. But Mrs. Dunlap's words ring true: "Jesus loves you." With kids, it's as simple as that.