Sunday, April 9, 2017

small stuff

I told a bit of my God-story today. It involved a lot of God being in the small every day stuff. Looking back I know it was big stuff but a long time ago, I thought I would have to go to Africa to see God move. But He kept me here in the South-
you see I wanted so badly to run away from my perception of the South that I wanted to go to Africa...
but God kept me here.
And the enemy so wants us to think that unless we are doing something BIG, that it's not enough.
But it IS.
You see the sacred is in the small.

I'll be honest - this threepocolypse season I am in is HARD. Like I just cried in my kitchen HARD. So to think the sacred is in the small is hard in the middle of a full on tantrum when my head is splitting wide open from a headache and my 9 year old is freaking out about state testing tomorrow and my 5 year old is yelling for no good reason. Lord, help! 

So my aim is to try to quiet the over-stimulation of my senses during these times and see the sacred in the small.