Wednesday, September 19, 2012

spring cleaning in the fall -or- the "Follow Me" sermon series at Christ Community

This week is the start of my fall break at work... 3 blissful weeks of not working!  So what do I do?  Spring clean like I should have in the spring.  But Brick came in the spring so I out of commission.

Today, I tackled under my bed... the more stuff I pulled out, the more memories came.  Good memories, sad memories.  Lots of movies- and the memories associated with those times.  Despite the memories and all the dust stirred up, it was good to clean out and throw some things away.

"Why am I holding on to these things?"  I thought several times.

And then I thought about the sermons of the past few weeks at Christ Community...

- a call to come and die to self

- take up our crosses and follow Jesus

- to abandon our will to His and obey

But just like the reasons I had for holding on to all these things that were under my bed, I have reasons for holding on to spiritual things...

- I don't want to be a victim again

- I am scared of the pain

- I feel like I lack the resources to do what He has asked of me

I know that the Lord is saying to me TAKE MY YOKE AND YOU WILL FIND REST (Matthew 11:29).

I know that the Lord is saying to me to LIVE FOR AN AUDIENCE OF ONE.

I know that He is saying DO NOT BE AFRAID... THE BATTLE IS MINE.

It seems like every day, I have to go through this pep talk... reminding myself who God IS and who I am in HIM.  So I will just keep giving myself this pep talk every day... hopefully, it will become part of my spiritual DNA soon.  And while I chide myself for having to go through this same ole talk every single day... for allowing myself to get to this place over and over again... I do celebrate the fact that the Lord is gracious and merciful towards me... even if I wait until the fall to do my spring cleaning.

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