So whether you are waiting for your mate or the direction you are to take next, don't despise this season of waiting- i'm sure theologians have book series on this topic, but this is just lil ole me trying to get these lessons pounded out so I don't forget them.
Here's the worth I have found in waiting:
1- reset: sometimes waiting is needed to hit the reset button, get priorities in order, figure out what you really want.
2- learn a lesson: this is one cliche that's true- maybe God wants you to wait to learn a lesson about Him or about yourself.
3- follow the steps: sometimes we have to wait so events line up for us to complete the task. Sometimes this leavs us disappointed and confused because doors get closed and God is silent. But maybe God's on the other end getting people lined up to help you through to the task He's asked you to do.
So while your fingers are itchin' and your feet can't stay still and you've been called to wait, there's still plenty to do:
1- bloom where you are planted: has God asked you to teach a class at church? Donate to a soup kitchen? Volunteer at the Boys' and Girls' Club?
2- worship: taking time to worship gets the focus off of ourselves and recognizes what the Lord has already given to us and who He is to us.
3- fast: fasting from a meal or food item also refocuses our eyes on Him- fasting for me clears the spiritual cobwebs
4- read the Bible: again, refocuses your sights- reminds you Who is Lord.
5- obey: do what He is telling you to do when He says to do it- don't rush it (and fail because the other pieces aren't in place) and don't give up. Persistance pays off.
So hopefully you will find the worth in the waiting too and not give up!
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