Tuesday, November 26, 2013

30 days of thankful

What I love most about being on the worship team at church is that it really drives me back to dwelling on what I am thankful for and away from what’s annoying me…  I am super bummed that Thanksgiving plans changed, but I am thankful that my grandmother is healing after a fall.  But I do have much to be thankful for… Here’s just 30 of the 10,000 reasons I have to be thankful…

For the month of November, here’s a short list of what I’m thankful for (and in no particular order)

  1. Jesus: His death on the Cross gives me a relationship with Him.  Through that relationship, I find a lot of peace.
  2. Heath:  my knight in shining armor coming to Hattiesburg on a hot August night in 1999 to play a punk rock show… we met… we had a long distance relationship… he asked me to marry him… 13 years later, he still lets me speak my mind and loves me anyway.
  3. Hero:  my firstborn- his middle name means healer.  I’ve made a lot of mistakes with him, but he brings me to a place of healing and reconciling my issues.  He is creative and funny and loves as deep as I do.
  4. Brick:  my sunshine- he gives the best snuggles and can dance his bootie off
  5. new Baby:  already kickin’ and raisin’ cain… my kinda kid
  6. my momma: introduced me to Christ and continues to point me back to Him
  7. my job:  my job is hard, but I love being a Speech Therapist.  Communication is such a great gift and I am happy to facilitate that for children and their families.
  8. modern medicine:  it’s awesome to be able to go to the pharmacy and buy something to feel better
  9. the grocery store:  so thankful we can go to the grocery store and get food!!
  10. markers, paints and paper: so many endless possibilities!
  11. Turner Classic Movie Channel:  I LOVE old movies- I love how they talked and dressed- I love how the stories always end with the bad guy having to face the consequences- I love how they kissed and could imply all kinds of naughty things, but I never have to see it.
  12. my van: super thankful for my van that I’ve nicknamed “Leviathan.”  It’s huge and useful
  13. my mentors: where would I be without the women who take time to email me back with prayers and advice even though they are miles and miles away?
  14. my Bible: such peace and hope
  15. my Barris Offee/Luminara statue: Heath bought this Star Wars statue for me for one of our wedding anniversaries.  Two of my favorite female Jedi.
  16. my hair dresser: she takes this mop of crazy curls and makes it look good
  17. Perrier water: what would I do without Perrier water during my pregnancies?  Helps with the reflux to much
  18. my bed: I have such a comfortable bed and I am thankful for it.
  19. my grandmother:  she has always had my back praying for me
  20. my aunt Susie: understands me and is my biggest cheerleader
  21. my Pa: gave me wings to fly- he hasn’t gone entirely- when I get down, I hear his words in my ears and I have the strength to go on
  22. movies/television shows that teach me a lesson:  there’s so many really
  23. Vicks VapoRub and peppermit oil: I know that I’m like the dad on My Big Fat Greek Wedding is about windex, but it’s true- all my sinus issues are cleared up with vapo rub and/or peppermint
  24. Music and the gift of singing: I have had a lot of people compliment my singing, but I really must stop to thank people for letting me sing… I get so much satisfaction out of it and I make a connection with God that I can’t describe.
  25. My friends: from bypassing conventional greetings on the phone to get straight to the point of my rant to sending me cookies from hundreds of miles away—I have some great friends.
  26. My messy home: my house is small and messy and I like it like that.
  27. Summer break:  I’m thankful to have a job that I have the summer off to make memories with my boys
  28. Bubbles: they are just magical- and gets any screaming child to stop and smile
  29. Fantasy in Lights : so beautiful and a big part of our holiday traditions
  30. Coffee: after breathing, I have to have coffee to get my day going.

I could go on and on.  I have much to be thankful for.

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