Saturday, January 14, 2017

is grace like an IEP goal?

I work as a speech-language pathologist in a local school district. I work with different kids with different abilities and disabilities. And I write a lot of IEPs... I mean a lot of IEPs. (IEPs are the plans for student who need special education services at school)

I focus on the student's speech and language skills- so the goals I write focus on certain sound productions, language concpets and the occasional stutterer. Sometimes, when we get to the next IEP, the child's made progress on a goal but not yet mastered the skills- so we usually rewrite the goal or change our approach or decide to keep on keepin' on...

this scenerio played out in my life this week.

I did not achieve a goal that I had set for myself. Yes, I know it's not the end of the world but this was making my life challenging at the moment.

So I reached out to one of my best friends who always has the right perspective- her advice: stopping beating yourself up- figure out what did not work- plan for next time- and keep on keepin on. 

Well, a solution appeared through another friend so that I could stay in the fight. 

But I still sat to reassess that goal. Just like I did with a student's IEP goals this week. 

So maybe grace is like IEP goals- we work towards the goal but give ourselves the grace to stumble along the way with the understanding that we need to keep going...

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