Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Music in Me

I was driving  today, listening to a Jars of Clay CD that I recently purchased from iTunes... and I started singing... I couldn't help it: I was compelled to sing... and my little boy yelled, "Be quiet, Momma!  Too loud!"  I shrugged-  I said, "You can't help it when you hear music either."  My husband's the same way-- there is always a song playing somewhere in my house... or car... or head...

Let me see if I can explain it better:  when I hear the music and the beat and start singing the music, the stimulation of what I hear and what I feel humming in my chest is so comforting, that whatever was bothering me or upsetting to me, fades away with every beat of the drum; with every thump of the bass; with every strum of the guitar; with every vocal trip up the scale- it is salve and balm to my soul.  And I walk away a new gal... especially if the lyrics remind me of God's might and goodness.

Add that in with what Oswald Chambers wrote in My Utmost for His Highest: "Worship is giving God the best that He has given to you..."

Well, then, I'm just done for, huh?  Since we no longer have animal sacrifices, and if we are to bring the sacrifice of praise... then my voice, time/energy, raised hands or bowed head or bended knee... is a meager thank-offering for all He's done for me... [see the entire book of Pslams... my favorite book of the Bible].

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