Sunday, September 20, 2020

self care

I saw a post over on my insta account that I dedicate to speechie things about a lady going for a manicure for self-care. which is great. but it got me thinking 1) I’m allergic to manicure stuff so that’s not an option for me and 2) I don’t have time to do something like that anyway... but I stepped outside this morning and the wind began to blow colder and harder than it had in weeks... and I thought may taking care of myself doesn’t have to be some big thing that’s not attainable for me right now... maybe self care for me is in the small choices I can make every day... 

self-care is a thousand small choices we make everyday:

what we eat

what think

what we listen to

what we read

what we engage in

what we walk away from

self-care is saying:

today I will make small choices to keep my mind and body at peace.