Wednesday, June 29, 2011


today, I am thinking about how quickly time flies... how I can improve the look of this blog template (put the words in bold print or leave them plain?  can people see it easier)... all the projects that I could complete if I had a 24-hour block of time to make it happen... how non-Type A I've become over the past few years... how I can leave Hero in the other room playing and not have to worry so much about him... how many therapy material projects I have that I want to do, but no time to do them... how Hero will grow up with a second generation of Transformers, Star Wars, and G.I. Joe.... how Hero will grow up with Facebook, Blackberries and text messaging... that his 4 year old birthday party is coming up in a few weeks and how thankful I am for 4 "normal" years... and praying for 400 more "normal" years... how I want to teach Hero how to properly interpret scripture so that he doesn't fall in the trap his daddy and I did years ago, living with unanswered prayers and being angry with God because "It's our faulty theology, not that we serve a faulty God"... how I wish that I knew how to sew... how God's blessings in my life has nothing to do with my bank account balance... how lovely it is to have Audrey living across town from me...  how awesome it is that our kids get to play together... a quote from Dano this week about leaving other people's attitudes on their side of the fence...  the to-do list that I need to complete today... and how, as my engagement anniversary approaches, I once thought that I was so un-lovely, that no one would ever want to marry me... that God brought him to me from 350 miles away and caused us to be in the same place at the same time... Amazing God...

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