Tuesday, July 26, 2011

work in progress

So it's not been earth-shattering in the "revelation" department... and sometimes it's not... sometimes God is just there... seemingly not at work... but the older I get, the more I realize that just when I think God is not paying attention to me, well, He really is paying attention to me.

This week, God's been bringing to mind Scriptures that my mom made me memorize as a kid... yes, she did and I am so glad that she did!  Psalm 23 is a passage that we memorized one summer.  And He's also reminded me of that double rainbow that He put in the sky the day that Hero was born. 

And I'm realizing more and more of my limitations... basically, just that I'd love to save the world, but I am limited to a 24 hour day. 

So the revelation for this southern girl is just some basic truths... good, solid theology:
--That Jesus loves me very, very much and I see that every day through the love of my husband and little boy
--That He is ALWAYS with me- that regardless of how I feel or how I act or the mistakes I make, it doesn't change who He is and will be
--That just because I am disappointed in how things turn out, He hugs me and loves me anyway
--I am a work in progress and Jesus is okay with that

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