Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Last year, Easter dissolved like the pink sugar peeps in Hero's two-year-old mouth.  But this year, he is talking about Easter eggs, chocolate bunnies and even the bunny that poops jelly beans on t.v.

So tonight, as he was attempting to prolong sleep any longer, I started singing an old worship chorus that was simply: "Jesus."

He jumped in: "Jesus had blood on His hands, Mommy."

They must be talking about the Crucifixion at preschool or children's church? Or was he mixing universes again- this time Christianity with Star Wars?

So I attempted to explain: "yes, He did... He was hurt, but now He isn't.  His blood covers our sins and we are made whole again.  But Jesus came back to life!  And He isn't hurt anymore!"  I had to fight back tears...

Lately, I've been feeling quite vulnerable in my walk with Jesus... worried about what others have been thinking about my walk with the Lord (because I've been quite a mess lately)... nervous that people would interpret things that I am helping with in ministry as a neon sign that I think I've finally got it all together.  [which, FYI, I do not think that at all]

But two things occurred to me:
1.  Yes, I really do believe that Jesus died on a cross for our sins and was raised from the dead... I don't need Lee Strobel to prove it to me.  I believe it, deep in my bones believe it to be true, however crazy it seems...
2.  Regardless of my shortcomings, the Gospel doesn't change...Because of Jesus' actions on the Cross, we can have a relationship with God and have peace and love here on this Earth.   My momma told me, "Stop trying to save the world, Buffy!  That's Jesus' job!"

And what a wonderful job He did on the Cross!  What a wonderful job He does!  I am excited to celebrate Easter this Sunday with my son as he learns about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!

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